Monday, June 30, 2008

I survived the weekend

Major issues here! Good god - what I would do to just feel like myself again! I think I have a stomach bug, or at least I did over the weekend. Threw up my lunch on Saturday and wound up missing the fireworks because I went to bed at 7:00. Sam was here, which made the kids happy. Joe was running around most of the weekend, with and without Sam, it was pretty crazy. But man! The anxiety I have is not to be believed. I would like to take my blood pressure - wondering if it is higher than usual. And of course, when I google high blood pressure and ESWL, it looks like that shockwave shit causes some people to experience high blood pressure after. Its been almost a month since I had it.

Today I will call and make my follow up appt with Cubelli. I honestly have no idea how the heck I am going to remain rational and calm for the trip to the shore. We leave on Saturday, we come back next week, and I am praying I am ok.

Now this is just sick!

I just opened the mail. THIS IS NOT A BILL from St. Clares. Ready for this? My two day nightmare cost $32,065.52!!! Yup, you read that right! My insurance company is going to be like holy cow, when they see this bill as well as the lithotripsy bill.

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