Friday, June 27, 2008

New doctor?

I made an appointment today for July 14th for a new urologist. His name is Dr. Lee Pressler and he is out of Morristown. I can't decide though if I WANT to go to another doctor. There is the part of me that thinks I should, but the other part LIKES Dr. Cubelli and he has been with me on this nightmare since day 1, hence knows my history with the first lithotripsy/stent/emergency room crap. I just want to be DONE with all this. I dont know. I will decide when I come back from the shore. I am really, really, REALLY trying not to let thoughts of the stone still in me consume me and depress me so much but its hard. Its ALL I think about. I also cant tell if its my nerves about the stone or the potassium/magnesoum/B6 supplemets I am taking that is making me feel so super-edgy. Really bad feeling. Hate it.

One minute I am googling shit and torturing myself with what I read, the next minute I am calmly rationalizing to myself that I CAN do this again, I NEED to remain positive about it all and just deal with it. Stop being a baby. Deal with the lithotripsy. Deal with that damned stent that I will probably need to keep in for 4-6 weeks. This isn't forever, and I want this stone OUT OF ME. I swear, I can feel pain in my right kidney. I just want it out.


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