Heading to Dr. Rehberg this morming. When I originally made the appt it was because the panic attacks/hyperventilation, whatever the hell you call it, were still hitting. I am feeling better the past couple of days though and no longer want medication. So I am going in so she ould look at my damn ears which have been hurting for the past week and antibiotics have not helped. Not sure if she sees anything - I may have to go to Dr. Remsen. Anyway, it will be a good test for me. Every time I have gone into her office, I start freaking. Lets see if I an keep it under control today. Look down on me God and give me the willpower and strength!!

I did it!!!! I not only made it thru the appointment without having an attack, I even went to the library right after, AND THEN TO WALMART!!! WOOT!!! I know it sounds so silly but to really understand what I have been feeling and to know what an accomplishment this is for me, you'd really have to feel what I felt. I am fighting this motherfucker with no drugs!! I WILL NOT GIVE IN!
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